The First 90 Days – Establish a Clear Breakpoint

Establish a clear breakpoint from your old job to the new.

You’ve been promoted within your company or healthcare system. Great. But the move from one position to another might present itself as a bit of a blur. You may be thrust into a host of new challenges and expected to hold onto your old duties.

Don’t let that happen.

Establish a clear breakpoint. Discipline yourself to adhere to it.

It could also be ceremonial. Perhaps it is a specific day or time or event. Claim it as your breakpoint. Make it known to others. You may need to find your replacement for your old position. If so, get on that immediately.

Once I was on a regional management team for a large company. The day after we onboarded the new local team, our president held an all-hands meeting. After a few words of congratulations, he ordered his regional team, me included, to stand and leave. We filed for the door leaving the new hires to work things out themselves, sink or swim. It was a breakpoint we all recognized.

Establish a clear breakpoint from your old job to the new.

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The Strategy Company
